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Ukrainian Armed Forces with drones and Bradleys destroy Russian troops and APCs

Ukrainian Armed Forces with drones and Bradleys destroy Russian troops and APCs Illustrative photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces with drones and Bradleys destroyed three infantry fighting vehicles and a Russian landing party (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian defenders destroyed three Russian armored personnel carriers and a Russian landing party in the Avdiivka direction. Russian losses amounted to about 35 occupants, according to the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade.

"Another attempt to storm our positions has failed. The soldiers of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade destroyed three enemy armored personnel carriers," the statement reads.

The soldiers note that Russia's losses were inflicted thanks to the interaction of anti-tank gunners, artillerymen, a company of attack drones, and the crew of a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

The Ukrainian defenders add that as a result of combat in the Avdiivka direction, a Russian landing party of 35 Russian occupants was eliminated.

"And these are the units that, after our 47th Brigade unwound them into molecules, went out for recuperation for two months and returned. According to the documents found in their possession, they were mobilized on March 5, 2024," the military explains.

Russian army losses in war against Ukraine

The Russian regime conceals the losses of its army in the war of aggression against Ukraine. However, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia has already lost more than 427 thousand soldiers at the front since the beginning of the full-scale war.

Over the last day alone, Ukrainian defenders killed 970 Russians and destroyed dozens of enemy vehicles.

UK intelligence stated that Russia's average daily losses in February were the highest since the beginning of the full-scale war.