ua en ru

Ukrainian Armed Forces seize the occupiers' position through an assault

Ukrainian Armed Forces seize the occupiers' position through an assault Archive photo: Ukrainian soldiers on tanks and infantry fighting vehicle stormed the positions of the Russian army (facebook com Ministry of Defense UA)

Ukrainian warriors on a tank and infantry fighting vehicle carried out a series of assault actions and captured Russian positions. The process of enemy destruction was successfully documented on video, according to the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Tank and CV-90 are working," - states the announcement.

The video shows Ukrainian soldiers initially attacking enemy positions with tanks, followed by infantry clearing Russian trenches.

It is noted that this is the result of the work of the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Prince Roman the Great.

Defense Forces of Ukraine eliminate Russian troops

As of Friday, January 12, Russia's losses in the war in Ukraine amounted to 840 occupiers, with the total number of casualties in the Russian army since the beginning of the invasion reaching 368,460 military personnel. Additionally, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 10 tanks, 11 artillery systems, and 16 armored vehicles.

Over the past day, Ukrainian fighters have eliminated over 400 more Russian occupiers in the Tavria direction. Furthermore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have destroyed 27 units of enemy military equipment.