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Ukrainian Armed Forces report positive results regarding prisoners in Kursk region

Ukrainian Armed Forces report positive results regarding prisoners in Kursk region Photo: Ukrainian soldiers captured the soldiers in the Kursk region (
Author: Daryna Vialko

On August 21, Ukrainian defenders fighting in the Kursk region achieved good results in replenishing the exchange fund, according to the Ukrainian Ground Forces.

According to the Ground Forces, Ukrainian soldiers continue to perform combat missions in the Kursk region.

Photo: Russian soldiers captured in Kursk region (

“There are good results regarding the prisoners, which means that even more of our guys will soon return home,” the military added.

The Ground Forces did not provide details on how many Russian soldiers were captured. At the same time, the corresponding photo was published.

What preceded it

Since the beginning of the operation in the Kursk region, Ukrainian defenders have captured a large number of Russian soldiers.

The Washington Post wrote that in 10 days, more than 300 Russian prisoners of war from the Kursk region were sent to one of the Ukrainian prisons.

The Security Service of Ukraine also conducted a special operation in which 102 Russian soldiers were captured in one day. More details were provided by sources to RBC-Ukraine.

As noted by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, replenishing the exchange fund is one of the goals of the operation in the Kursk region.