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Ukrainian Forces capture 250 Russian conscripts in Kursk region - WP

Ukrainian Forces capture 250 Russian conscripts in Kursk region - WP Illustrative photo: Ukrainian army captures a large number of Russian conscripts (Getty Images)

During the operation in the Kursk region, Ukrainian defenders managed to capture at least 250 Russian conscripts, according to The Washington Post.

WP correspondents visited one of the Ukrainian prisons located in the northeast of the country, where those captured in the Kursk region are sent.

An unnamed prison warden told journalists that over the past ten days, 320 Russians have been brought there, most of whom are conscripts. About 20% of the captives are mobilized Russians and contract soldiers. This means that around 250 conscripts ended up in the Ukrainian prison.

According to the warden, some young men were "very scared" when they first arrived but have since adapted.

WP also interviewed the Russian prisoners of war. Journalists noted that most of the captives were not injured.

The Russian soldiers said they were treated well, provided medical care, and fed three times daily, with meals including soup, salad, and porridge.

Representatives of the Red Cross have also visited the prisoners of war.

Conscripts Nikolai and Sergey told WP that on August 6, Ukraine attacked their military headquarters, and their commanders left without giving any instructions on what to do next. They wandered through forests and swamps for three days, sleeping on cold ground, before reaching Ukrainian positions, where they were captured.

Ukrainian soldiers searched them for weapons and then gave them food, water, and cigarettes.

"They came, chatted, told their stories, listened to ours," Nikolai said.

However, in one of the prison cells with older soldiers, the mood was gloomier, WP reports. Among them were border guards and contract soldiers. Almost all the men said that the Ukrainian invasion was their first combat experience, and they had not been sent to Ukraine before.

One of the prisoners said that out of 60 people he fought with, only four or five survived. The others refused to surrender and were killed.


Ukrainian defenders have achieved significant success in the nearly two weeks of fighting in the Kursk region, particularly in replenishing the exchange pool.

Recently, during a special operation, Ukrainian Security Service fighters managed to capture over 100 Russian occupiers. More details can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article.