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Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: Maps

Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: Maps Photo: Ukrainian forces are moving in five directions in the Kursk region (Getty Images)

At the Kursk bridgehead, 5 directions of movement of Ukrainian troops can be distinguished. They already cover 4 districts of the Kursk region, according to RBC-Ukraine's article.

These are the Sudzha, Korenovo, Belaya, and Glushkovo districts.

The first direction is along the Sudzha-Kursk road (P200). Over the past week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have gained a foothold in the town of Sudzha and surrounding villages, with no other significant advances confirmed.

Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: MapsPhoto: Ukrainian troops advancing along the P200 motorway leading to Kursk (

The second is southeast of Sudzha towards the settlements of Plekhovo and Borki. Over the past week, there have been reports that Ukrainian forces have advanced in this direction to the village of Giri, but it is not known whether they have been able to gain a foothold there.

Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: MapsPhoto: Ukrainian armed forces moving towards Plekhovo, Borki and Giri (

The third is along the Sudzha-Lgov road. According to confirmed information, Ukrainian soldiers have taken up positions in this area near Malaya Loknya. However, hostilities are likely to have taken place in other settlements near Kauchuk.

Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: MapsPhoto: direction along the Lgov-Sudzha road (

The fourth direction is along the Sudzha - Korenevo - Rylsk road. Over the past week, Ukrainian soldiers have been able to enter and engage in combat in the village of Korenevo. It is just over 20 kilometers from the town of Rylsk.

Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: MapsPhoto: direction along the road Sudzha - Korenevo - Rylsk (

Ukrainian forces have also been active in the notional fifth direction, which is located west of Korenevo and covers part of the Glushkovo district. Here, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to damage all three bridges over the Seym River, which flows from west to east along this area.

Ukrainian Armed Forces move in 5 directions in Russia's Kursk region: MapsPhoto: The Ukrainian armed forces cut off the Glushkovo district south of the Seym River by destroying three bridges (

The entire territory of the Glushkovo district - about 250 square kilometers south of the river - is now cut off from the rest of the Kursk region, as well as the supplies of Russian troops in this area. The Ukrainian military has already begun to enter some settlements on this bridgehead.

Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in Kursk region

The breakthrough into the Kursk region from the Sumy region took place on August 6, 2024. Since then, fighting has continued in the Russian border region. According to official information from the military and political leadership of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine control over 1,250 square kilometers of territory and 92 Russian settlements.

Ukraine has already established a military commandant's office in the controlled territories, headed by Major General Eduard Moskaliov. In addition, the Ukrainian side has launched a hotline for residents of the Kursk region who wish to evacuate and is working on launching a possible humanitarian corridor to Sumy.

The goal of the Ukrainian operation is not to occupy Russian territory. According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian army plans to create a buffer zone in the Kursk region, with the main task of destroying Russian potential and conducting counterattack operations.

Earlier, we wrote about whether the Kursk breakthrough could expand to the Belgorod region.

RBK-Ukraine also explained why Ukraine set up a commandant's office in the Kursk region and how long the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be there.