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Ukrainian Armed Forces achieve success on the southern front - Battle maps by DeepState

Ukrainian Armed Forces achieve success on the southern front - Battle maps by DeepState Ukrainian military forces have advanced to the south of Robotyno (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian military forces have advanced to the south of Robotino and entered the flank of Russian troops near Novoprokopiivka in the Zaporizhzhia region, according to DeepState maps.

Ukrainian Armed Forces achieve success on the southern front - Battle maps by DeepState

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have successfully advanced 1000-1500 meters to the south and southeast of Robotyno towards Novoprokopivka. As a result, the occupant forces in these two populated areas now find themselves under fire from two directions: for Novoprokopivka - from the north and east, and for Verbove - from the west and northwest accordingly.

Ukrainian Armed Forces achieve success on the southern front - Battle maps by DeepStateThe situation in the Zaporizhzhia direction

According to the General Staff, Ukrainian Military Forces have advanced in the directions of Novoprokopivka and Verbove. They are consolidating their positions at the achieved lines and delivering artillery strikes on identified Russian targets while also conducting counter-battery actions.

Our defenders recently liberated the village of Robotyno in the Zaporizhzhia region and organized the evacuation of civilians.

According to military experts, Robotyno serves as a key obstacle on the path to the enemy's second line of defense.

For further developments in the south, read more in the article by RBC-Ukraine.