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Ukraine uses highways as runways for F-16s - LCI

Ukraine uses highways as runways for F-16s - LCI Photo: F-16 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine can use sections of roads or highways for F-16 takeoffs and landings. This helps reduce the risk of the jets being targeted by Russian air defense systems, according to LCI.

According to the agency, Ukraine has prepared specific road sections instead of using airbases.

"Instead of taking off from military bases, Ukrainian army soldiers have prepared certain road sections that are typically used by cars and trucks," LCI reports.

Former military pilot Xavier Tytelman provided LCI with a video allegedly showing Ukrainian forces dismantling central dividers and modifying the asphalt on roads.

In his opinion, tthis is how Ukraine is trying to reduce the risk of F-16 jets being targeted by Russian air defense systems.

Another LCI expert, French General Michel Yakovleff, noted that similar methods have been used in the past in other countries. However, he mentioned that takeoffs under such conditions are riskier than those on traditional runways designed and marked for aircraft operations.

F-16 in Ukraine

In early August, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed that Ukraine had received the first batch of F-16 fighter jets from its partners.

However, on August 29, the media reported that one of the F-16 jets had crashed in Ukraine. Later, the Ukrainian Air Force reported the death of pilot Oleksii Mes, and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed the loss of the F-16.