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Ukraine signs security agreement with Luxembourg

Ukraine signs security agreement with Luxembourg Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Luxembourg Luc Frieden (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg signed a bilateral agreement on security guarantees. The signing took place in Washington, DC, according to the Office of the President.

On the Ukrainian side, the agreement was signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and on the Luxembourg side, by Prime Minister Luc Frieden.

The agreement acknowledges that neither Ukraine nor Europe will be secure until there is a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace that respects Ukraine's rights under international law and in particular the UN Charter.

Security and military assistance

The agreement states that the participants will work to ensure that Ukraine's security and defense forces are capable of defending Ukraine now and in the future. Meanwhile, Luxembourg will continue to provide military support to Ukraine, including in land, air, and cyber-electromagnetic domains.

Luxembourg will continue to provide long-term support in equipping and training, including the preparation of instructors and training of Ukraine's security and defense forces within the framework of the EU Mission.

Defense industry cooperation

The signatories will work towards transforming Ukraine's defense industry into a strong potential that will enable Ukraine to restore its territorial integrity.

Luxembourg will support Ukraine's efforts to integrate its defense industry into NATO and EU defense and security standards. Specifically, Luxembourg will explore options to facilitate the integration of Ukraine's defense industry into the European defense technological and industrial base.

Additionally, Ukraine and Luxembourg will cooperate in the fields of intelligence and security in accordance with each country's national legislation.

Ukraine and Luxembourg will also enhance cooperation in construction and metallurgical industries, cybersecurity, business and financial consulting services, and the space sector.

Sanctions against Russia

The agreement's participants will continue to work together to increase the cost for Russia of its aggression through sanctions and export controls. The importance of restrictive measures to limit Russia's access to finance, goods, technologies, and services will be emphasized to reduce its revenue and deter future attacks.

As long as Russia's aggression against Ukraine continues, Luxembourg will remain committed to strict EU sanctions against the Russian economy and those who support the war or circumvent sanctions. Luxembourg will take decisive measures to combat sanctions circumvention along with EU partners and the European Commission.

Security guarantees for Ukraine

Several Western countries have already signed security agreements with Ukraine, with the UK being the first. This process began after the NATO summit in Vilnius.

Signatories also include Norway, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden, Iceland, and Poland.

The most recent agreements were signed with the European Union, Lithuania, and Estonia on the same day, June 27