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Ukraine's MoD discusses procurement of Ukrainian long-range missiles and drones with his Estonian counterpart

Ukraine's MoD discusses procurement of Ukrainian long-range missiles and drones with his Estonian counterpart Photo: Rustem Umerov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine (

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov held talks with his Estonian counterpart Hanno Pevkur. One of the topics discussed was the procurement of Ukrainian long-range missiles and drones, according to the head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Facebook.

According to Umerov, during the talks, he discussed with Pevkur ways to strengthen cooperation between the countries.

"The main attention was paid to possible new projects aimed at supporting Ukrainian defense industry. In particular, purchases of Ukrainian long-range drones and missiles," the Ukrainian minister noted.

He added that Ukraine values Estonia's contribution to strengthening the country's defense capabilities, as well as Tallinn's openness to new formats of cooperation.

What preceded this

On August 24, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the first successful use of the Ukrainian Palianytsia missile drone.

The head of the Ukrainian state also mentioned the testing of Ukraine's first ballistic missile. According to Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, its range is approximately 600-700 km.

At the beginning of September, Oleksandr Kamyshin noted that Lithuania would provide Ukraine with $10 million to purchase the Palianytsia missile drone.

More details about the new long-range Ukrainian weaponry can be found in the RBC-Ukraine material.