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Ukraine's future is in NATO, but it's not a US decision - Pentagon

Ukraine's future is in NATO, but it's not a US decision - Pentagon Photo: Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder (Getty Images)

The United States believes that Ukraine's future is in NATO. However, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder says that there is a condition - the corresponding decision must be made by all 32 members of the North Atlantic Alliance.

"It's a NATO alliance decision, so 32 countries, but certainly the things that we are doing now are to - and you've heard others say this - is build a bridge for Ukraine to come into NATO," he said in response to a question on whether Ukraine, in his opinion, should become a member of the Alliance.

Ryder emphasized that as part of supporting Ukraine, an important aspect is working together to enhance the military capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and achieve operational compatibility so that Ukraine is ready for NATO membership.

When asked about the US's readiness to support Ukraine's accession to NATO at the Washington summit, Ryder responded that he did not want to get ahead of events. However, America definitely sees Ukraine in the Alliance.

"We've been very clear that we see that Ukraine's future is in NATO," the general emphasized.

The United States will provide Ukraine with missiles for air defense systems as part of a new $2.3 billion military aid package in an accelerated mode.