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Ukraine's counteroffensive, Defense Ministry reveals the liberated area

Ukraine's counteroffensive, Defense Ministry reveals the liberated area Hanna Maliar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine (Photo: Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian forces have managed to reclaim an area of approximately 241 square kilometers in the southern and eastern regions of the country since the beginning of their counteroffensive, states the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Hanna Maliar, during a telethon.

According to Maliar, updates on the liberated territories are typically provided once a week due to the volatile nature of the situation, requiring Ukrainian defenders to consolidate their positions in the reclaimed areas.

"For instance, during the past week, speaking about the Bakhmut direction, two square kilometers were liberated, totaling 37 square kilometers thus far. In the southern direction, over 12 square kilometers were liberated in the past week, bringing the total to more than 204 square kilometers," the official disclosed.

She emphasized that currently, Ukrainian military forces are gradually advancing on all fronts. The progress is not only limited to the Bakhmut direction on the eastern front, but it is vital to secure the gained territory before disclosing specific successes.

Ukraine's counteroffensive

Ukrainian defenders have been continuing their counteroffensive since the beginning of summer, and their successes are already evident in certain areas along the frontline.

Notably, they have managed to liberate a number of settlements in the southeastern part of the country, with the recent liberation of the village of Staromaiorske from Russian forces.

Additionally, Ukrainian troops are advancing near Bakhmut, pushing north and south of the city. Ukrainian forces have secured dominant heights near the settlement.

As previously stated by the Commander of the Ground Forces, Oleksandr Syrskii, all necessary conditions have been created to facilitate the de-occupation of Bakhmut.