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Ukraine receives 6 F-16 fighters from the Netherlands - The Times

Ukraine receives 6 F-16 fighters from the Netherlands - The Times Photo: Ukraine has received six F-16s (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Times reports that Ukraine has received 6 American F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands.

The news agency's source noted that 6 aircraft were delivered to Ukraine from the Netherlands, and several more will soon arrive from Denmark.

The Ukrainian Air Force refused to comment on this information.

F-16 fighters for Ukraine

A year ago, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway pledged to provide Ukraine with over 60 F-16 fighter jets.

On July 31, Bloomberg reported that several F-16s had already arrived in Ukraine. The Telegraph noted that the Ukrainian Air Force had allegedly already used F-16s for air defense purposes.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis confirmed that Ukraine had received the first batch of F-16s.