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Ukraine leasing air defense systems: Air Forces shares details

Ukraine leasing air defense systems: Air Forces shares details Photo: Yurii Ihnat, Spokesperson of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (

The provision of air defense systems for lease is not a widespread practice worldwide. However, there have been cases where Ukraine has utilized this option, says the spokesperson for the Air Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yurii Ihnat during the telethon.

As explained by Ihnat, leasing air defense systems is not a common practice due to their scarcity worldwide.

"There have been cases where Ukraine took a complex to protect a specific object so that personnel could familiarize themselves with its operation. This complex has been returned, and this is not a widespread phenomenon. No one will give air defense systems for lease. They are scarce, and every country protects its airspace and national interests," explained the spokesperson for the Air Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Air defense for Ukraine

Air defense remains a priority in terms of assistance from Ukraine's partners and allies. This has been a significant topic during discussions at meetings such as Ramstein.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, there is a possibility that Russia's energy terror could intensify this winter. He also mentioned that Ukraine is requesting air defense systems from some allies, specifically for the winter in light of potential attacks.

In October, Yurii Ihnat confirmed information that Ukraine would lease air defense systems to strengthen its defense. However, the countries providing this service were not disclosed.