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Ukraine incursion into Kursk region ongoing for a week now, Latvia to send drones to Ukraine - Tuesday brief

Ukraine incursion into Kursk region ongoing for a week now, Latvia to send drones to Ukraine - Tuesday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Almost a thousand square kilometers of Russian territory are under Ukrainian control in the Kursk region. Meanwhile, Latvia has prepared about five hundred drones for transfer to Ukraine.

Read more about what happened on Tuesday, August 13.

Border breach in Kursk region: Week-long fighting leaves territory out of Russian control

The area of fighting in the Kursk region continues to expand. Almost a thousand square kilometers of Russian territory are under the control of Ukraine. Analysts say that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing despite recent Russian claims on stabilization of the frontline.

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) say that the Ukrainian Armed Forces may have made new penetrations into the western part of the Kursk region.

Read more details in the report.

Latvia prepares to send nearly 500 drones to Ukraine

"The next package of drones is ready! About 500 Latvian-made drones will support Ukrainians in carrying out various combat missions," wrote the head of the Latvian Ministry of Defense Andris Sprūds.

Britain refuses to allow Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike Kursk region

The UK government has not permitted Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles for strikes in the Kursk region. Despite efforts by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to lift restrictions on the use of these munitions, London's stance remains unchanged, reports The Telegraph.

"There has been no change," a government source said.

Dangerous not only for Ukraine: Kirby explains risks of military cooperation between Russia and DPRK

"It’s dangerous, obviously, for the people of Ukraine, as these missiles continue to rain down on them and their energy infrastructure. But it’s also dangerous for the Indo-Pacific region. Any notion of a burgeoning defense relationship between North Korea and Russia will have ramifications for our collective security and our national security requirements in the Indo-Pacific," said John Kirby, coordinator of the National Security Council at the White House.

Lukashenko transfers military equipment from his own active units to Russia

Belarus is transferring military equipment to Russia, which is experiencing a lack of resources. Alexander Lukashenko instructed the transfer of equipment from the active units' stockpiles to Russia, as the Belarusian army's arsenal is also depleted, according to Belarusian News.

The agency learned about this decision from a source in the Belarusian Ministry of Defense.

Suspects in murder of two Ukrainian teenage basketball players on trial in Germany

A trial against suspects in the murder of two Ukrainian basketball players has begun in Germany. The attack on the young men occurred in February due to ethnic hatred at a train station in Dusseldorf.

The main suspect, Mert V. (a German Turk), and his three accomplices (two Syrians, one German Greek) had long been in the field of view of law enforcement agencies. At the time of the crime, they had not reached the age of majority, which is why the trial was held in chambers.