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Lukashenko transfers military equipment from his own active units to Russia - Media

Lukashenko transfers military equipment from his own active units to Russia - Media Photo: a column of Belarusian military equipment ( modmilby)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Belarus is transferring military equipment to Russia, which is experiencing a lack of resources. Alexander Lukashenko instructed the transfer of equipment from the active units' stockpiles to Russia, as the Belarusian army's arsenal is also depleted, according to Belarusian News.

The agency learned about this decision of the President of Belarus from a source in the Belarusian Ministry of Defense.

It is noted that Russia asked Belarus to transfer some of the equipment after the successful actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region, as it faced an acute shortage of weapons in this and other areas.

This is not the first time that Belarusian military equipment has been transferred. For example, in 2022, when the Russian armed forces suffered significant losses in Ukraine after a full-scale invasion, Russia asked Belarus to use its arsenals. At that time, T-72A tanks, ammunition, artillery, and trucks from warehouses were transferred.

The current situation is reportedly critical. In 2022, Lukashenko transferred equipment to Russia from warehouses, and now he is forced to give away equipment from the active units. This indicates that Belarus's own stockpiles have been virtually emptied.

Despite the devastated weapons depots, Lukashenko has recently begun to hint at possible direct hostilities with Ukraine. The reason for these manipulative threats and the demonstrative movement of Belarusian equipment on the border was Ukrainian drones, which, according to Lukashenko, crossed the airspace of Belarus,

At the same time, military experts believe that there is currently no threat of attack from Belarus.

The spokesperson for the Siversk operational and tactical group, Vadym Mysnyk, advised the Belarusian government to deal with Russia regarding drones in the Belarusian sky.