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Ukraine could join NATO even with occupied territories - Stoltenberg

Ukraine could join NATO even with occupied territories - Stoltenberg Photo: Former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

A scenario in which Ukraine becomes a member of NATO despite some of its territories remaining occupied is quite realistic. In Ukraine's case, there are ways to address the issue of applying the mutual defense clause, stated former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, according to the Financial Times.

“It is always very dangerous to compare because no parallels are 100% correct, but the United States has security guarantees to Japan. But they don’t cover the Kuril Islands, which Japan regards as Japanese territory, controlled by Russia,” he says.

In addition, Stoltenberg also mentioned West Germany, which regarded East Germany as part of a bigger Germany.

"West Germany regarded East Germany as part of the bigger Germany. They didn’t have an embassy in East Berlin. But Nato was of course only protecting West Germany. When there is a will, there are ways to find the solution. But you need a line which defines where Article 5 is invoked, and Ukraine has to control all the territory until that border," added former NATO Secretary General.

It is worth noting that even before his term ended, Stoltenberg said that the decision on any future membership of Ukraine in the Alliance, including the occupied territories, should be decided by all allies.

Yesterday, October 3, the newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte arrived in Ukraine.

During a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he said that Ukraine is now closer than ever to NATO membership.