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Mark Rutte makes statement on Ukraine's membership in NATO

Mark Rutte makes statement on Ukraine's membership in NATO Photo: NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukraine is closer than ever before to NATO membership. Ukraine has an aid package that helps implement reforms, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte says.

“As you know, at the last NATO Summit, which took place in Washington in July this year, Allies agreed, and this is important, that Ukraine's path to membership is irreversible. And as I said in my short statement, Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever before. We now have a Comprehensive Assistance Package to help Ukraine implement reforms,” the new Secretary General says.

Rutte adds that today many people are working with Ukrainians to improve and implement reforms.

The Secretary-General expresses confidence in Ukraine's future membership in NATO and that Russia will not have a veto over it.

“Ukraine gets stronger day by day, more interoperable with NATO and better prepared than ever to join our Alliance. And this is basically building the bridge to NATO membership for Ukraine. And I think the day will come that Ukraine is a full member of NATO. And let me add to that, if somebody might think otherwise, that Russia on this issue has no vote and no veto,” he emphasizes.

Mark Rutte's visit to Ukraine

Former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has recently officially taken over as NATO Secretary General. He stated that Ukraine remains his priority in his new position.

Today, October 3, he arrived in Ukraine on his first visit as NATO Secretary General. Rutte has already visited Ukraine before but in his role as Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Mark Rutte met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.