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Ukraine confirms use of HIMARS systems in Kursk region - The Times

Ukraine confirms use of HIMARS systems in Kursk region - The Times Ukrainian Armed Forces use Western MLRS in battles in the Kursk region (photo:

Ukrainian forces have officially acknowledged the use of Western missile systems in an offensive operation on Russian territory, reports The Times.

The Times notes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have confirmed the use of American HIMARS rocket systems to destroy bridges, pontoons, and engineering equipment belonging to Russian troops in the Kursk region.

The report recalls that Ukrainian forces previously demolished all three bridges across the Seym River, which connected Russian-controlled areas with supply routes. As a result of these strikes, up to 3,000 enemy soldiers were trapped, and military engineers were forced to construct pontoon crossings.

The Times also highlighted that Russian military bloggers and international journalists have identified British, American, and Italian tanks and armored vehicles used during the assault.

According to The Times, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, recently dismissed concerns from Western allies about the potential consequences of using Western weapons against Russian territory. He advocated for removing all restrictions on the use of such arms. Additionally, he confirmed that Ukraine had kept its allies unaware of the cross-border offensive, anticipating that they would veto any operation that breached Russia's most stringent red lines.

Zelenskyy also noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin has not followed through on his threats of retaliation against NATO, indicating their lack of credibility. The President also urged the West to lift restrictions on the use of long-range weapons for strikes on Russian rear areas, The Times reports.

Ukrainian Armed Forces' offensive in Kursk region

Two weeks ago, Ukrainian forces launched an offensive operation in the Kursk region. The objective is to create a buffer zone to halt attacks on the border and draw enemy forces away from the front in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Special Forces have confirmed that they used HIMARS systems to destroy several bridges and Russian pontoon crossings in the Kursk region.

In the past two weeks, Ukrainian forces have captured a significant number of Russian soldiers.

For more details on the expectations from the defense operation in the Kursk region and its impact on the overall conflict, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.