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Ukraine and Ireland to sign security guarantees agreement soon - Zelenskyy's Office

Ukraine and Ireland to sign security guarantees agreement soon - Zelenskyy's Office Photo: Ukraine and Ireland held negotiations on the terms of security guarantees (

Ukraine and Ireland have concluded negotiations on a security guarantees agreement. The document will be signed soon, according to the Office of the President of Ukraine.

According to the Office of the President, the Ukrainian delegation was led by the Deputy Head of the Office of the President, Ihor Zhovkva.

"The parties have agreed on specific provisions of the document and outlined the next steps to finalize the text and sign the bilateral agreement by the countries' leaders in the near future," the statement said.

It is worth noting that Ireland is a neutral country. As a result, it does not provide military assistance to Ukraine. Therefore, the document likely will not contain any obligations in this regard.

What preceded

Ukraine and Ireland agreed to begin working on a security guarantees agreement in early May of this year. This decision was made during talks between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris.

The negotiations on security guarantees officially began on August 2.

Notably, Ukraine has already signed security guarantee agreements with 25 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan.