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Ukraine and Ireland signed security guarantees: Details

Ukraine and Ireland signed security guarantees: Details Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris (

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris have signed a bilateral agreement between their countries. In total, Kyiv has already concluded 26 such agreements, according to the President's Office.

What the agreement entails

During the current year, Ireland will allocate an additional 128 million euros (140 million dollars) to Ukraine for non-lethal military support, as well as at least 40 million euros (43.75 million dollars) for humanitarian aid.

Additionally, according to the agreement, Dublin will:

  • Provide Kyiv with demining systems and equipment for neutralizing explosive devices;
  • Continue participating in the demining coalition;
  • Explore potential ways to support Ukraine within the coalition capabilities of the Defense Contact Group, such as the IT Coalition;
  • Ensure continuous training of the Defense Forces through the European Union Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM) in Ukraine;
  • Contribute to holding the Russian Federation accountable, compensating for the damages caused by its aggression, and further strengthening sanctions against the terrorist country;
  • Make diplomatic efforts to implement the Peace Formula;
  • Participate in the activities of several working groups and in implementing specific elements of the Peace Formula, including the work of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children.

"Certain sections of the agreement outline humanitarian assistance, as well as support for reconstruction and reforms, particularly on Ukraine's path to EU membership," the President's Office added.

Bilateral agreements

As mentioned earlier, as of today, September 4, Ukraine has concluded 26 bilateral agreements with partner countries.

Ukraine and Ireland agreed to start working on a security guarantees agreement in early May 2024 following negotiations between Zelenskyy and Harris. Today, the head of the Irish government arrived in Kyiv.