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UK summons Iranian diplomat over missile transfer to Russia

UK summons Iranian diplomat over missile transfer to Russia Photo: Britain summonsed an Iranian diplomat (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Britain summoned an Iranian diplomat. This happened after statements about the transfer of missiles to Russia by Iran, according to Sky News.

The UK Foreign Office has summoned Iran's Chargé d'Affaires in connection with the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia.

The statement says that the UK government "was clear in that any transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia would be seen as a dangerous escalation and would face a significant response".

Iran has transferred missiles to Russia

Recently, Western media reported that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. However, official Tehran denied the delivery.

Ukraine, in turn, called on Iran to stop helping the Russian army in the war.

Meanwhile, the United States has announced new sanctions against Iran. Today, Iran made a cynical statement after the imposition of US sanctions.

In its material, RBC-Ukraine discussed the consequences of the transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia.