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UK Defense Ministry names reason for increase in Russian army losses

UK Defense Ministry names reason for increase in Russian army losses Photo: Russians are dying in Ukraine by the thousands a day (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

In August, the Russian army lost more than 1,000 troops a day killed and wounded. This is due to the pressure on the Pokrovsk direction and the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region, according to the UK Ministry of Defense.

As noted in the report, according to the report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Ukraine, Russia's average daily losses (killed and wounded) in Ukraine increased in August 2024 to 1,187 troops per day. Since the beginning of the war, Russia's losses have reached 610,000.

"The August 2024 increase in casualty rate is almost certainly due to Ukraine's Kursk operation and continued pressure on the Pokrovsk axis. Russia continues to rely on mass to mitigate their lack of personnel and equipment capability," the report says.

According to the UK Ministry of Defense, Russian pressure along the entire front line will continue over the next month. However, its limited capabilities will continue to constrain its ability to leverage any tactical successes into wider operational gains.

"Russia's casualty rate will likely continue to average above 1,000 a day throughout September 2024 as Russia continues operations on a wide front from Kursk in the north to Robotyne in the south," the UK Ministry of Defense says.

Earlier, the UK Ministry of Defense reported that average daily Russian casualties (killed and wounded) fell from more than 1,262 per day in May to 1,140 in July. These three months were the most costly for Russian forces since February 2022,