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UFO spotted on 16th century tapestry: Photo

UFO spotted on 16th century tapestry: Photo What is known about the ancient tapestry (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

The tapestry Triumphant Sky of Summer, created in Belgium in 1538, features objects in the sky that resemble UFOs.

RBC-Ukraine reported this information with reference to Ancient Origins.

This ancient tapestry is currently housed in the Bavarian National Museum. It depicts the triumphant ascent of a ruler to power.

If you look at the upper part of the tapestry, especially on the left, you can see several flying objects shaped like black hats. In contrast to typical religious depictions in medieval art, these objects stand out for their unconventional nature.

Доказ існування інопланетян чи випадкова схожість? На артефакті XVI століття помітили НЛО (фото)

Доказ існування інопланетян чи випадкова схожість? На артефакті XVI століття помітили НЛО (фото)

Tapestry Triumphant Sky of Summer (photo:

However, this is not the only case where such objects are depicted in ancient works of art. Similar UFOs were noticed in the tapestry Life of the Virgin Mary, created in Belgium in 1330.

Доказ існування інопланетян чи випадкова схожість? На артефакті XVI століття помітили НЛО (фото)

Life of the Virgin Mary, a medieval tapestry from Tournai, Belgium (photo:

How can this be explained? The deliberate inclusion of disc-shaped objects in the tapestry Triumphant Sky of Summer can be interpreted as a strategic political maneuver. By associating UFOs with the ruling authority, the intention may have been to influence local sentiments and assert a divine connection, thereby reinforcing the notion of celestial intervention in their rise to power.

Some historians speculate that these objects reflect the significance of the ruler's ascent to power and the supposed divine support they enjoyed. However, the question remains open as to when flying disc-shaped objects came to be considered symbols of divine intervention.

If people of that era associated flying saucers with divinity, it implies that they perceived such objects in the sky. On the other hand, there are, of course, those who argue that these unusual disc-shaped objects are simply peculiar formations of dark clouds.

Earlier, we wrote about 6 historical mysteries that scientists finally unraveled in 2023.

Also, read about new archaeological discoveries in Egypt that have amazed scientists.