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U.S. assistance to Ukraine: Pritzker emphasized importance of economic support

U.S. assistance to Ukraine: Pritzker emphasized importance of economic support Photo: U.S. Special Representative for Economic Recovery of Ukraine Penny Pritzker (GettyImages)

The U.S. Special Representative for Economic Recovery in Ukraine, Penny Pritzker, believes that Russia's aggressive war poses a serious threat not only to Kyiv but also to the United States and Europe, according to her article for The Hill.

Pritzker stated that the courageous Ukrainian military, with the assistance of the United States and over 50 allies and partners worldwide, resisted Russia's pressure and reclaimed more than half of the territories seized by the Russian Federation, significantly diminishing Moscow's military potential.

"Our security support has armed Ukrainians to defend their land and protect Europe while simultaneously modernizing our defense industrial base at home, making us more ready for whatever comes next," she said.

She added that economic resilience is a fundamental tenet of Ukraine's military efforts, and the intertwining of security and the economy forms a double helix in the efforts to defeat Russia on the battlefield.

The U.S. Special Representative highlighted the importance of Congress approving funding to aid Ukraine.

" If we act now, this package will send a message to friends and foes alike about American leadership, power and resolve when it comes to Ukraine winning this war and its future as a free, independent, democratic, economically prosperous country integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community," Pritzker wrote.

Delays in the funding for Ukraine

U.S. President Joe Biden proposed allocating $106 billion to Congress, including aid for Ukraine and Israel.

Disagreements over further funding for aid to Ukraine are ongoing in the U.S. Congress. Republicans are blocking the issue, demanding the passage of immigration legislation.

The White House expects Democrats and Republicans to reach an agreement in January 2024.

On January 12, the White House announced that assistance to Ukraine has been suspended until Congress approves new funding.

According to The Wall Street Journal, U.S. President Joe Biden has agreed to strengthen immigration policies, as demanded by Republicans, to avoid criticism and ensure assistance to Ukraine.