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Trump wants Ukraine to have more leverage in negotiations with Russia - US Senator Rubio

Trump wants Ukraine to have more leverage in negotiations with Russia - US Senator Rubio Photo: Republican Senator Marco Rubio (

US presidential candidate Donald Trump aims to strengthen Ukraine's position in potential peace negotiations with Russia, states Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

"I'm not on Russia's side, but unfortunately the reality of it is that the way the war in Ukraine is going to end is with a negotiated settlement. And I want and we want and I believe Donald Trump wants for Ukraine to have more leverage in that negotiation," Rubio said.

According to him, the current US administration under President Joe Biden also believes the Russia-Ukraine war will eventually end with negotiations.

"We hope that when that time comes there is more leverage on the Ukrainian side than on the Russian side," the US senator added.

Meeting between Zelenskyy and Trump

Last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the United States.

During the trip, he met with the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, to present Ukraine's plan for victory in the war against Russia.

After talks with Zelenskyy, Trump stated that the war between Russia and Ukraine must be brought to an end. According to him, this should be done through a "fair deal."

For more details on Zelenskyy's visit to the US, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.