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Threats to UK amidst Russia-Ukraine war are 'no longer distant possibility' - Former NATO Secretary General

Threats to UK amidst Russia-Ukraine war are 'no longer distant possibility' - Former NATO Secretary General Photo: George Robertson, former NATO Secretary General (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Threats to Britain's security from Russia's aggression against Ukraine are not a distant possibility. Therefore, the country's armed forces must be strong enough, according to the former NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson.

"We need to recognize... that the threats to our country and our citizens are no longer theoretical. They are no longer a distant possibility. They are alive and well in Ukraine today, where Vladimir Putin's Russia has brutally invaded and sought to occupy a peaceful, neighboring independent nation-state," Robertson emphasized during his speech in the House of Lords (the upper house of parliament).

He said that the stakes in this matter are high, and it is necessary to "look at the depraved conduct of Putin's occupiers in those parts of the Donbas and Crimea that they presently and temporarily occupy".

What preceded it

Earlier, the Commander of the British Armed Forces, General Sir Roly Walker, emphasized that his country needed to prepare for war in three years.

According to Walker, this need is, in particular, because Russian President Vladimir Putin will want "retribution" against Western countries that support Ukraine in the war.

The British General also clarified that the threat comes from China, Iran, and North Korea.