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Türkiye joins NATO mission to patrol Romanian skies for first time

Türkiye joins NATO mission to patrol Romanian skies for first time Türkiye joins NATO mission to patrol the skies over Romania for the first time (Illustrative photo: Getty Images)

On Thursday, November 30, four Turkish F-16 fighter jets arrived at the Romanian air base Borcea to participate in NATO's air policing mission in southern Romania, according to Allied Air Command.

According to NATO, this is the first time Türkiye has participated in Romania. Together with Romanian and German aircraft, Türkiye will protect the Alliance's airspace on the Black Sea coast and deter potential air threats.

“These deployments are the demonstration of capability and resolve to protect our people and territories. NATO air forces remain ready to respond to any threat from any direction,” said acting NATO Spokesperson Dylan White.

Turkish F-16s will participate in the NATO mission alongside German Eurofighter fighters and the French ground-based air defense system MAMBA stationed at Capu Midia.

Türkiye has ratified Sweden's application for NATO membership

Türkiye has demanded that Sweden take further action against local members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, designated as a terrorist group by both the European Union and the United States.

In late October, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan submitted a request for parliamentary consideration, which was subsequently referred to the relevant committee for review. However, the committee did not approve the request, and negotiations were postponed until November 16.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström stated that Türkiye intends to ratify its application for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the coming weeks.