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Starlink for Ukraine funded solely by Warsaw, not Musk - Polish Foreign Ministry

Starlink for Ukraine funded solely by Warsaw, not Musk - Polish Foreign Ministry Photo: Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski (getty images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Starlink terminals received by Ukraine were funded by Poland. Elon Musk had no involvement in this, stated Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski.

According to him, only Poland, not Elon Musk, is sponsoring the Starlink modules in Ukraine. He also stated that Warsaw will continue to finance their purchase for Ukraine, as Starlink provides internet access even in challenging conditions.

"These Starlink terminals used in Ukraine are not sponsored by Elon Musk but are funded and will continue to be funded exclusively by Poland," Sikorski said.

Starlink aid to Ukraine

Starlink is a satellite system that provides high-speed broadband internet access. These systems are used by the Ukrainian military in the war, especially in areas near the front line.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Poland has been supplying these systems to Ukraine. By August 2022, Ukraine had received 5,000 Starlink stations from Poland.

At the end of last year, it was reported that Ukraine received another 5,000 Starlink terminals from Poland. It was decided to use them in the frontline regions.