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Sounds of explosions heard in Zaporizhzhia

Sounds of explosions heard in Zaporizhzhia In Zaporizhzhia, explosions were heard on the morning of January 8 (photo: GettyImages)

In Zaporizhzhia, sounds of explosions were heard this morning, January 8. A nationwide air raid alert has been declared in Ukraine, according to Suspilne.

"There are sounds of explosions in Zaporizhzhia," the message says.

Yurii Malashko, the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration, confirmed the explosions in the city and stated that the number and consequences of missile strikes on the territory of Zaporizhzhia and populated areas in the region would be announced after the alarm is over.

Russian missile attack on Ukraine on the morning of January 8

Currently, a large-scale air raid alert is in effect across the entire territory of Ukraine. Russians are attacking our country with missiles.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported launches of cruise missiles and supersonic Kinzhals.

Russian occupying forces are attacking our country with missiles. In the air, 11 Tu-95MS strategic bombers and 4 MiG-31K were detected. Explosions were heard in Dnipro.