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Shelling of Sumy region: Casualties reported

Shelling of Sumy region: Casualties reported Photo: Russia attacked Sumy and Bilopil on April 8 (

The Russian army today, April 8th, carried out an air strike on the center of Bilopillia and the city of Sumy, according to the Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office and the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

According to the prosecutor's office, at around 3:15 p.m., Russia carried out an air strike on a civilian infrastructure object in the city of Sumy. As a result, three civilians were injured.

By 3:30 p.m., the enemy conducted three airstrikes with aviation bombs on the central part of the town of Bilopillia in the Sumy district. A woman was killed, and two others were injured as a result. Additionally, civilian infrastructure objects and vehicles were damaged.

Later, the Sumy Regional Military Administration reported that some of the injured in Bilopillia are currently in critical condition. Medical assistance is being provided to the victims by both local and regional hospitals.

It is known that as a result of the RF attack, trade institutions and the city council suffered destruction. Vehicles were destroyed as well. All necessary services are working at the scene.

"Today in Bilopillia, Russian terrorists committed another crime against peaceful people by targeting civilian infrastructure. Thanks to the timely sounding of the air alarm and people taking shelter, a larger number of casualties were avoided. Unfortunately, those who remained outside suffered injuries, including those incompatible with life. My condolences go out to the family and loved ones of the deceased. Once again, I emphasize, do not ignore air alarm signals. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones," stated Volodymyr Artyukh, the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

Strike on Sumy

Today, Russian occupiers struck Sumy using their aviation. The target of the attack was civilian infrastructure. Authorities urged local residents to be vigilant and careful, as well as always seek shelter during air raids.

Later, it became known about the Russian attack on Bilopillia.