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Shelling of Izmail: Number of wounded reaches 14 people, including 3 children

Shelling of Izmail: Number of wounded reaches 14 people, including 3 children Number of wounded in Izmail due to the Russian attack on September 27 increased to 14 people (
Author: Maria Kholina

The number of victims in Izmail has increased following a Russian Shahed drone attack. There are now 14 injured, including three children, according to the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the investigation, on the night of September 27, the occupiers launched a massive drone attack on the Danube area of the Odesa region.

"Currently, there are reports of 3 dead and 14 injured, including three children: two boys aged 3 and 13, and a 14-year-old girl. Information on other victims is being clarified," the report states.

Civilian infrastructure has been damaged, including private and multi-story residential buildings, outbuildings, and vehicles.

Prosecutors, in coordination with other law enforcement officers, are working at the scene to document the consequences of the shelling. Under the procedural guidance of prosecutors from the Izmail District Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been launched into the violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Shelling of Izmail

On the night of September 27, Russian forces attacked Ukraine with drones and missiles, with explosions reported in Izmail.

Later, it became known that the occupiers had carried out a mass strike on Izmail in the Odesa region. Three people were killed, and 11 others, including a child, were injured.

This is not the first time Russia has attacked Izmail. For example, on the night of July 24, the occupiers attacked Izmail in the Odesa region. The port was damaged, and three people were injured after a building was struck.