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Russia strikes Izmail with drones, killing 3 and injuring 11

Russia strikes Izmail with drones, killing 3 and injuring 11 Photo: Russians shelled Izmail on September 27, there are killed and wounded (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the morning of September 27, Russian troops massively attacked Izmail, Odesa region. 3 people were killed and 11 others, including a child, were wounded, according to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, Oleh Kiper.

“Today, September 27, in the morning, Russia massively terrorized Izmail. Russians launched attack drones in the south of the Odesa region. Unfortunately, 3 people were killed in the Russian attack: 2 women born in 1934 and 1955 and a 73-year-old man,” he says.

In addition, according to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, 11 people were injured, including one child.

Photo: Head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, Oleh Kiper and State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Consequences of Russian shelling

Private and apartment buildings, outbuildings, buildings, and cars were damaged.

Several fires broke out due to the Russian attack, which rescuers quickly extinguished.

Russian attack on Ukraine

On the night of September 27, Russian troops again attacked Ukraine with drones and missiles. In particular, explosions were heard in Izmail. In the south of the region, Russian Shaheds were spotted.

In addition, the Russian invaders attacked the city of Dnipro with missiles. The shelling damaged an industrial facility and started a fire.