ua en ru

Russian army launched missile attack on Dnipro at night: Consequences reported

Russian army launched missile attack on Dnipro at night: Consequences reported Russian forces launched a missile attack on Dnipro (photo: State Emergency Service)

Russian forces attacked the city of Dnipro overnight using missile weaponry. As a result of the shelling, an industrial facility was damaged, leading to reported destruction and a fire, according to Serhii Lysak, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

The official clarified that the enemy launched a missile strike on Dnipro shortly after midnight.

“There is damage to the industrial facility. A fire broke out, which firefighters have extinguished,” the head of the Regional Military Administration reported in his Telegram this morning.

He added that, fortunately, there were no casualties as a result of the enemy shelling in Dnipro.

Other shelling on the Dnipropetrovsk region

Additionally, the head of the Regional Military Administration reported that the Nikopol and Marhanets communities also came under enemy fire.

"It was restless during the night in the Nikopol area. The enemy targeted Nikopol itself and the Marhanets community, using a kamikaze drone and heavy artillery," the official explained.

As a result of these shellings, infrastructure was damaged. Fortunately, there were no fatalities or injuries reported.