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Scholz spoke against an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

Scholz spoke against an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz (photo: Getty Images)

Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz has spoken out against an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip amid international calls to halt Israel's efforts to eliminate Hamas following the unprecedented attacks by the terrorist group on Israel, reports The Times of Israel.

"I don’t think the calls for an immediate ceasefire or long pause — which would amount to the same thing — are right. That would mean ultimately that Israel leaves Hamas the possibility of recovering and obtaining new missiles," he stated, instead urging a humanitarian pause.

Scholz's position differs from that of many Arab countries and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is set to meet with the German leader in Berlin next week.

War in Israel

On October 7, Hamas militants attacked Israel, killing and kidnapping not only military personnel but also civilians. Israel was regularly shelled from the Gaza Strip in the course of this attack. In response, Jerusalem initiated an operation against the terrorists. Active offensive operations in the Gaza Strip commenced on October 27.

According to recent IDF data, Hamas lost control of the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel will maintain control over the Gaza Strip after the end of the war.