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Scholz responds to media reports regarding reduction of aid to Ukraine

Scholz responds to media reports regarding reduction of aid to Ukraine Photo: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Getty Images)

Germany will continue to support Ukraine, including through a €50 billion loan as part of the G7 group, according to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on social media platform Twitter (X).

Scholz emphasized that Germany has been and remains the European country providing the most support to Ukraine.

"And we continue our support: with a €50 billion loan that we are initiating together with the G7. This will enable Ukraine to purchase weapons on a large scale. It can rely on this," stated the German Chancellor.

What preceded this

Recently, the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported on alleged plans by the German government to cut budget expenditures. Specifically, Berlin was said to be considering halting new funds for military aid to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Germany has stated that it will continue to provide support to Ukraine to defend against Russian aggression for as long as necessary.