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Scholz denies accusations that Germany plans to reduce support for Ukraine

Scholz denies accusations that Germany plans to reduce support for Ukraine Photo: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Germany doesn't have plans to reduce the support it provides to Ukraine in its confrontation with Russia, said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

According to Scholz, nothing can shake Germany's promises to help Kyiv now. He is also surprised by the statements that Berlin intends to reduce military support for Ukraine.

Scholz reminded that the German government has planned to allocate 4 billion euros for military aid to Kyiv next year, the largest amount among all European countries.

What preceded it

The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) wrote that the German government is planning to cut budget spending. In particular, Berlin plans to stop allocating new funds for military aid to Ukraine.

However, Germany later stated that it would continue to support Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression for as long as necessary.

In addition, the German government said that instead of spending taxpayers' money, it wants to use the proceeds from frozen Russian assets to further assist Ukraine in coordinating with its G7 partners.

Scholz has already stated that Germany will continue to support Ukraine, including through a €50 billion loan within the G7.