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Russians shelled Donetsk region - Two women injured

Russians shelled Donetsk region - Two women injured Russians wounded two women during the shelling (photo: Getty Images)

Today, on September 30, Russian military forces repeatedly shelled the territories of the Donetsk region. As a result of one of the enemy attacks, two women were injured, states the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the prosecutor's office, two women aged 43 and 54 were injured, presumably by artillery attacks from Russia, in the villages of Lastochkyne in Pokrovsk district and Novoukrainka in Volnovakha district.

"Both of them were in their homes during the shelling, and they have been hospitalized," law enforcement officials reported.

Furthermore, the Russian shelling caused damage to civilian infrastructure.

Among the destroyed and damaged objects:

  • more than two dozen private and multi-apartment residential buildings,
  • outbuildings,
  • enterprise premises,
  • cars,
  • power transmission lines.

Today, Russian military forces also shelled Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region. A child was injured as a result of the enemy's attack on the city.

Russian strikes on Donetsk region

Population centers in the Donetsk region are subjected to daily shelling by Russian aggressors. Both frontline cities and villages in the region, as well as those in the relative rear, suffer from these attacks.

The Donetsk Region Prosecutor's Office reported that in recent days, the Russians dropped aerial bombs on Kostiantynivka, resulting in injuries to three men aged between 37 and 60.

Previously, we also reported that the Russians attacked the northern Donetsk region with tanks and aerial bombs. As a result of enemy shelling, a man was killed, and there were also injuries.