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Russian troops increase use of FPV drones in Chernihiv and Sumy regions - Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian troops increase use of FPV drones in Chernihiv and Sumy regions - Armed Forces of Ukraine Illustrative photo: FPV drone (Getty Images)

Russian troops have begun to use FPV drones and attack drones more frequently to attack the border of the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, states Vadym Mysnyk, the spokesperson for the operational-tactical group Siversk.

According to him, the situation in the border areas is tense but completely under control. The Russian army has not changed its tactics and continues to shell settlements in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions daily.

"The enemy mainly uses their entire arsenal of weapons, including artillery of various calibers. Recently, we have observed an increased use of FPV drones and strike unmanned aerial vehicles. In recent days, the enemy has also been using aviation for shelling, employing unguided aerial rockets. However, there was information this morning that guided aerial bombs were also used," Mysnyk said.

He noted that the movements and rotations of Russian troops are dictated by their actions in other sections of the front. Their presence along the border of the Chernihiv and Sumy regions remains stable.

"We are monitoring the movement of their combat units, other cover means, and artillery, and we are aware of their movements. We are building our defense system in such a way as to prevent the enemy from advancing deeper into our territory and to inflict maximum damage on the enemy," the spokesperson added.

Mysnyk also explained that the main objective of Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups is to gather intelligence. Although they can also carry out sabotage tasks, they primarily aim to check defensive positions and find potential infiltration routes.

"We have always known that special forces operate opposite the Sumy and Chernihiv regions. We use all means of anti-sabotage groups," the spokesperson noted.

Situation on the frontline and Russian losses

According to the General Staff, over the past day, August 4, more than 120 combat clashes occurred along the front line. In the Pokrovsk direction, Ukrainian fighters repelled 30 attacks.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russia has lost over 584,000 personnel. Over the past day, Ukrainian soldiers have eliminated an additional 1,180 soldiers.

Additionally, 6 tanks, 31 armored fighting vehicles, 69 artillery systems, and other enemy equipment were destroyed.