ua en ru

Russian invaders strike Ukrainian defenders with poisonous munitions daily

Russian invaders strike Ukrainian defenders with poisonous munitions  daily Photo: Russia uses poisonous munitions against the Ukrainian Armed Forces on a daily basis (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops are actively using ammunition with poisonous substances against Ukrainian defenders daily, according to Dmytro Lykhovii, a spokesperson for the Tavria operational and strategic grouping of troops.

In Tavria's area of responsibility, drones have already equaled artillery in terms of the number of times it has been used. The difference is that a drone can drop a single shell, while artillery fires several at once.

"Every day Russia uses ammunition with poisonous substances. Out of 536 munitions dropped from copters yesterday, 11 were with poisonous substances," says the spokesperson.

Lykhovii notes that information about the use of chemical weapons is passed on to the Ukrainian Support Force, which investigates each case. This information is then passed on to international organizations.

Situation on frontline

Since winter, Russian troops have continued to put pressure on the frontline. The invaders are trying to push through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the Kharkiv, Toretsk, Lyman, and other directions. However, the most difficult situation remains in the area of Pokrovsk.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted, the Russians would no longer be able to capture Kharkiv, but Russia has changed its priority. Now, according to the head of state, the Russian occupiers are focusing on the Pokrovsk direction.

On 6 August, fighting broke out in the Kursk region of Russia. Ukraine does not officially confirm the offensive and does not comment on the situation. Read more about what is happening in Russia's border regions in RBC-Ukraine's report.