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Fighting in Kursk region: Maps and updates as on August 10

Fighting in Kursk region: Maps and updates as on August 10 Photo: hostilities continue for the sixth day in the Kursk region (Russsian media)

Sixth day of fighting in Kursk region. Russia claims new breakthrough attempt.

What’s happening in Russia’s Kursk region as of August 11 — details from RBC-Ukraine below.


Maps of the battles

Analysts note that overall advancement into the Kursk region has slowed. The fighting is accompanied by the use of firepower. There are active reports online of destroyed Russian military columns and artillery.

According to Russian Telegram channels, Ukrainian forces allegedly attempted to advance in two directions yesterday — toward the village of Korenevo and the settlement of Lgov.

Fighting in Kursk region: Maps and updates as on August 10

screenshot of the "Radio Liberty" map

Reports online suggest that Ukrainian forces have allegedly reached the area of the village of Snagost (south of Korenevo) and have taken control of most of the road between Korenevo and Suja.

Additionally, a video has emerged online showing what are claimed to be Ukrainian soldiers in the settlement of Sverdlikov in the Kursk region.

Fighting in Kursk region: Maps and updates as on August 10screenshot of the "Radio Liberty" map

Encirclement of the Sudzha garrison

Russian so-called "war correspondents" have reported an alleged encirclement of the garrison in the city of Sudzha.

"By morning and afternoon, a successful attack was carried out, resulting in them (referring to Ukrainian forces) establishing control over the settlements of Makhnyivka and Plekhove and taking fire control over the last road into Sudzha from the Belgorod region. Thus, the Sudzha garrison is now in blockade," write Russian propagandists.

Fighting in Kursk region: Maps and updates as on August 10

screenshot of

Verification of this information is not possible as the Ukrainian command has not commented on the situation in the Kursk region.

New breakthrough?

Additionally, Russian media and several Z-pubs have reported an alleged new breakthrough attempt in the Kursk region. This involves a purported breakthrough in the Belovsky district south of Sudzha.

Z-channels claim that Ukrainian forces have supposedly occupied "all around the settlement of Belaya." Some sources also note that a "new Ukrainian brigade" has reportedly been observed in the Belovsky district.

"Tank and equipment convoys with personnel are moving in various directions," reported Russians online.

Fighting in Kursk region: Maps and updates as on August 10screenshot


On August 6, there were claims of a supposed border breach from the Sumy region into the Kursk region. Russia accused Ukraine of provocations.

Initially, Russian authorities and media reported a breakthrough by sabotage groups. However, Russian propagandists now assert that heavy fighting is occurring in the border areas. Recently, Russia declared a counter-terrorism operation in the Bryansk, Kursk, and Belgorod regions.

The primary centers of combat remain the city of Sudzha and the village of Korenevo. Sudzha hosts a gas metering station through which Russian gas transits from Ukraine to Europe.

Ukraine has largely refrained from commenting on events in the Kursk region. However, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently spoke about "pushing the war" onto Russian territory.