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Russia's Rostov region reports air defense response to drone attack and fire

Russia's Rostov region reports air defense response to drone attack and fire Photo: a fire broke out in the Rostov region due to a UAV attack and air defense (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

In the Rostov region of Russia, air defense forces activated during the night of September 22 due to a drone attack. Explosions occurred in the Millerovsky district, leading to a fire, according to the governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev, and local media.

The Russian official claims that a drone was shot down in the Millerovsky district around 2:00 AM (Moscow time).

"As a result of debris falling in the field, dry vegetation caught fire. Emergency response teams were dispatched to the scene of the wildfire," said the governor of Rostov.

He also stated that, at this time, there are no reported casualties or damage.

Footage of the fire in the Rostov region surfaced online, and witnesses informed Russian media about the explosions. This was reported by the Telegram channel Novosti Rostova.

Shakhty RU noted that a loud explosion was heard in various locations, including on Artem, at the cotton mill in Shakhty, and in the neighboring Kireyevka, with reports of something burning in the Lenta area (grocery supermarket). Additionally, online sources suggested that the fire might be near the Shakhtinskaya power plant.

Drone attacks and fires in Rostov region

It is worth noting that a major fire occurred in this region as a result of a drone attack on August 18, when drones targeted a fuel depot in Proletarsk.

Sources from RBC-Ukraine reported that the attack was part of an operation by the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The target was the oil depot of the Kavkaz Combine, which supplied Russian troops fighting against Ukraine.

Additionally, the fire in Proletarsk, Rostov Region, lasted for over two weeks, with firefighters managing to extinguish it only on September 2.

Moreover, at the end of August, Russian officials claimed that the Glubokinskaya oil depot in the Kamensky district of Russia's Rostov region also came under drone attack.