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Russia reinforcing Crimean Bridge - Media

Russia reinforcing Crimean Bridge - Media Photo: Russian forces fortify the Crimean Bridge (Getty Images)

Russian forces are building fortifications near the Crimean Bridge, according to Krym.Realii.

According to the Telegram channel, a floating crane can be seen in the waters of the Kerch Strait.

Additionally, witnesses report an increase in the number of barges that Russia is using to protect the Crimean Bridge from Ukrainian maritime drones.

Situation near the Kerch Bridge

In June, it was reported that Russia continued to increase the number of barges near the Kerch Bridge for its protection.

Moreover, the Russian forces have established a second line of boom barriers near the Kerch Bridge with 21 barges and have been constructing what appear to be piers in the area around the bridge's foundation for several months.

To recap, Russian forces seized the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. After this, Russia built a bridge across the Kerch Strait, connecting Crimea to Russia. The Russians use this bridge to supply their troops in the war against Ukraine.