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Russia increases number of barges under Crimean Bridge: Satellite images revealed

Russia increases number of barges under Crimean Bridge: Satellite images revealed Illustrative photo: Russia protects the Crimean bridge with barges (Getty Images)

Russia is attempting to strengthen the protection of the Crimean Bridge from surface drones by deploying barriers made of barges, according to the Center for Journalistic Investigations on Telegram.

According to the Center, Russia is deploying a second line of barriers made of barges. Overall, satellite images from June 16 show 21 barges near the Crimean Bridge.

Additionally, on June 22, construction of five piers began at the base of the bridge - on both shores of Tuzla Island and the Tuzla Spit on the Krasnodar Krai side of Russia. The longest pier is about 180 meters, while the shortest is 80 meters.

What preceded

On June 8, British intelligence reported that Russia was deploying barges to protect the Crimean Bridge.

It began assembling them on May 10 and completed installation by May 22. Satellite images provided by British intelligence showed barriers made of eight barges.

It's worth noting that Ukrainian surface drones pose the main threat to Russia in the Black Sea. Russian forces have already lost a significant number of ships due to the use of such drones.