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Russia publicly displays S-500 Prometey air defense system for first time: What is known

Russia publicly displays  S-500 Prometey air defense system for first time: What is known Photo: S-500 Prometey Air Defense System (Russian media)

At the Army-2024 forum in Russia, the S-500 Prometey (Prometheus) anti-aircraft missile system was publicly presented. It is claimed to be capable of intercepting hypersonic targets, according to Defence Blog.

It is noted that the S-500 was adopted by the Russian army as early as 2021, but the Prometey has been publicly presented for the first time. The system is said to provide long-range air defense against a wide range of aerial threats.

The S-500 is described as a road-mobile system built on a BAZ-69096 chassis with 10×10 transport-launcher vehicles. It is likely that the S-500 will replace the A-135 missile defense system, which protects Moscow and its surroundings. Additionally, the S-500 will complement the existing S-400 Triumf (Triumph) system.

What is known about the S-500

One of the notable features of the S-500 is its versatility—it can be configured to launch various types of missiles, allowing it to handle a range of threats at different distances and altitudes.

According to developers, the S-500 is reportedly capable of successfully engaging both aerodynamic and ballistic targets. These include:

  • Medium-range missiles
  • Intercontinental ballistic missiles
  • Hypersonic cruise missiles
  • Low-orbit military satellites
  • Strike drones
  • Enemy strategic aviation

The S-500’s radar system is capable of detecting targets at distances of up to 800 km, with an engagement range of up to 600 km and an altitude reach of up to 250 km. It is said to include sixth-generation electronic warfare systems that can fully suppress the electronic equipment of targets.

Development of the S-500 began in 2009; however, Russia has not yet managed to establish serial production of the systems. The first brigade set of the S-500 Prometey was delivered to the 15th Army of the Aerospace Forces of Russia in October 2021, responsible for the defense of Moscow and the central region of Russia.

S-500 in Crimea

In early June 2024, Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, reported that Russia had deployed elements of the S-500 missile system to occupied Crimea. However, according to the spokesperson for the Air Force of Ukraine, Illia Yevlash, Ukraine had not recorded any use of the S-500 by Russian forces.

Later, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Maliuk, stated that Ukraine continuously works on the issue of destroying enemy equipment and Russian air defense systems. It was mentioned that any potential use of the S-500 in Crimea would be experimental.

By late February of this year, it was revealed that Russia had conducted tests of the S-500, and the system demonstrated the capability to intercept "hypersonic aerial targets."