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Russia passing off old Donbas videos as strikes on Ukrainian forces in Kursk region - The Insider

Russia passing off old Donbas videos as strikes on Ukrainian forces in Kursk region - The Insider Photo: The Insider exposed Russia on fake news (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Russian Ministry of Defense has been publishing videos of successful strikes against the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. However, these videos were filmed a long time ago and in other places, The Insider reports.

In particular, on 10 August, the Russian state-run RIA Novosti media outlet, citing the Ministry of Defense, published a video of allegedly Russian Mi-28NM helicopters striking with S-13 air strikes on Ukrainian army personnel and armored vehicles in the border area of the Kursk region.

Russia passing off old Donbas videos as strikes on Ukrainian forces in Kursk region - The Insider

Russia passing off old Donbas videos as strikes on Ukrainian forces in Kursk region - The Insider

However, according to The Insider, the video was filmed in Kreminna and Chasiv Yar.

Moreover, on 9 August, the Russian Ministry of Defense published a video illustrating allegedly new attacks by the Russian military on the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Sumy region. However, this video was also filmed quite a while ago and published by TASS on 14 July.

Russia passing off old Donbas videos as strikes on Ukrainian forces in Kursk region - The Insider

Situation in Kursk region

Today, the Ukrainian partisans reported that the Russians have begun to move their troops from Pokrovsk to the Kursk direction.

Moreover, the chairman of the German Parliament's Defence Committee, Markus Faber, noted that the Kursk operation lays the groundwork for negotiations with the successor to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Read about what is happening in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation as of 11 August in RBC-Ukraine's report.