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Kursk breakthrough lays groundwork for negotiations with Putin's successor - Bundestag Committee head

Kursk breakthrough lays groundwork for negotiations with Putin's successor - Bundestag Committee head Photo: Marcus Faber, Chairman of the Bundestag Defense Committee (

Markus Faber, head of the Bundestag Defense Committee stated that the Kursk operation lays the groundwork for negotiations with the successor to the current Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Faber noted that the operation against Russian forces near Kursk is going better than expected.

"The progress shows the Russian population that their dictator is losing control and that the military leadership is overwhelmed. A good foundation for peace negotiations with Putin's successor. And negotiations with Putin before the International Criminal Court," wrote the head of the Defense Committee.

He pointed out that the advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces caused the aggressor to withdraw its troops from the front in eastern Ukraine, reducing pressure on Ukrainian troops in that region.

At the same time, Faber considers this operation a good reason to raise the issue of supplying Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.

"Our military aid to Ukraine is the best investment in our security. It daily reduces the potential of the Russian threat. It protects the peaceful population of Ukraine from becoming refugees. Putin's mouthpieces in Germany may now realize this as well," the post reads.

Kursk breakthrough

It should be noted that this week, there was a border breakthrough in the Kursk region, as a result of which the Russian army lost control over part of its territory. Additionally, according to unofficial data, the Russians no longer control the border town of Sudzha and several other settlements. However, Ukraine has not officially announced any operation on Russian territory and does not comment on events in the Kursk region.

To find out what is happening in the Russian region today - in RBC-Ukraine material.