Russia conducts information operation against Ukrainians in Gaza Strip – Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

In the Gaza Strip, Russians are conducting an information operation against Ukrainians to discredit Ukraine, Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) says on Telegram.
"The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine informs that Russians in the Middle East are implementing another information operation to discredit our country," the statement said.
According to the intelligence, Russian citizens are calling Ukrainians who are currently in the Gaza Strip and spreading panic among them, using fake messages, in particular:
- "Ukraine has abandoned you";
- "There will be no more rescue";
- "Russia is ready to evacuate you."
At the same time, Russian callers make it clear that in exchange for the possibility of alleged evacuation from the Gaza Strip, they will have to give an interview to a Russian news agency. The Russians do not say anything more about the content of the interview or possible questions.
"Thus, terrorist Moscow traditionally seeks to take advantage of the aggravation of basic human needs in the context of armed conflict to move to the next stage of the campaign to discredit Ukraine, namely, to create appropriate propaganda materials for further broadcasting lies favorable to the aggressor," the DIU noted.
The intelligence called on fellow citizens in the Gaza Strip to report all cases of telephone blackmail, provocations, and intimidation by unknown Russians.
Evacuation of Ukrainians from the Gaza Strip
On October 7, Hamas militants invaded Israel. After that, the Israeli military launched its operation against the terrorists.
As part of the operation, the Gaza Strip was blockaded. All checkpoints on the border of the Palestinian enclave ceased to operate. As a result, a large number of foreigners, including Ukrainians, are stuck there.
As noted by Yevhen Korniychuk, Ukraine's Ambassador to Israel, 357 Ukrainian citizens were in the Gaza Strip.
The first group of Ukrainians was evacuated on November 8. Back then, 43 people were taken out.
Yesterday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine had managed to evacuate more than 80 citizens from the Gaza Strip who were stuck there because of Israel's war with Hamas. The evacuation continues.