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Russia complains about drone strike on Kursk and strong explosions

Russia complains about drone strike on Kursk and strong explosions Russia complaints about a drone strike on Kursk and strong explosions in Kursk (photo: Russian media)

Explosions were heard in the Russian city of Kursk last night, and air defense forces are currently active in the region due to a drone attack, according to the local Telegram channels and the acting governor of the Kursk region, Alexey Smirnov.

Local authorities initially reported a threat of missile strikes during the night of August 2. However, around 02:00, they announced that the threat had subsided, only to later report a danger of a drone attack in the Kursk region.

A Russian official also mentioned that air defense systems had been put on high alert to repel the aerial attack.

Additionally, reports in local Kursk communities indicate that explosions were heard in various districts of the regional center throughout the night, with some describing them as powerful.

There were also reports online about the alleged shooting down of drones over Kursk. Videos showing explosions and flashes in the sky were shared, with claims of air targets being downed, including drones, in the city and surrounding region.

У РФ скаржаться на удар дронів по Курську і сильні вибухи

Drone strike on Kursk and strong explosions in Kursk (photo: Typychnyi Kursk)

At present, there are no reports on the potential consequences of the airstrike, including damage to objects or casualties.

Drone attacks in the Kursk region

In Russia's Kursk region, there have been frequent reports of aerial attacks involving drones. Such raids have resulted in explosions and fires at various locations in the region.

Previously, it was reported that on July 31, following a drone attack in the Kursk district, a fire broke out at one of the sites. The Ukrainian General Staff later stated that Ukrainian forces had targeted an ammunition and military equipment depot near Kursk.

Additionally, we reported that on the night of July 28, explosions occurred in the Kursk region due to a drone attack, which resulted in a fire at an oil depot in the village of Polevaya.

Later, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced that the Ukrainian Defense Forces conducted a successful operation in Russia's Kursk region. They managed to attack an oil depot, with explosions also reported in the area of a substation.