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Russia attacks power facility in Sumy region at night

Russia attacks power facility in Sumy region at night Photo: Russian troops shelled a power facility in Sumy region on September 19 (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the night of September 19, Russia attacked a power facility in the Sumy region. The city of Sumy and part of the region were left without electricity, according to the Ukrenergo energy company.

"At night, Russia attacked a power facility in the Sumy region. As a result, the city of Sumy and part of the Sumy region lost power. In the morning, all consumers were supplied with electricity," the statement says.

Russian attack on Ukraine

On the night of September 19, Russian troops launched another combined attack on Ukraine. The invaders launched 46 targets - three S-300/S-400 missiles, one Kh-59/69 missile, and more than 40 drones.

Ukrainian air defense shot down all the Russian drones and the Kh-59/69 missile. In particular, the Ukrainian air defense system was operating in the Kyiv region.

The Russians also attacked Kharkiv twice. In addition, Russia shelled the Zaporizhzhia district. A woman was killed and 2 other people were wounded.