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Romania asks Ukraine to shoot down Russian drones flying into its territory - FAZ

Romania asks Ukraine to shoot down Russian drones flying into its territory - FAZ Photo: Romania has asked Ukraine to shoot down Russian drones flying into its territory (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Romania has asked Ukraine to shoot down Russian drones flying into its territory, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

On Wednesday, September 18, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha paid a working visit to Romania. He held talks with his Romanian counterpart Luminița Odobescu and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.

“The NATO country Romania asked Sybiha in Bucharest to shoot down Russian drones,” the agency reported.

What preceded it

During Russia's attack on Ukraine, on the night of September 7-8, Russian attack drones violated Romanian airspace.

This was not the first time that Russian drones had entered the country. Several times, drone debris was found in Romania.

Romania insists that NATO should take "robust coordinated" measures in response to incidents in which Russian missiles or drones fired at Ukraine violate the Alliance's airspace.